President and Faculty


The president of Hadi Virtual University, affiliated to ICIS (The International Colleges of Islamic Science, London-UK.) is Dr.H.Shahedi (Phd.). He has experience of more than thirty years teaching “Shia’ Studies” to the youths and trains teachers in this field.


Hadi university faculty team are as following:

Faculty Duration of Cooperation
Dr. Hamid Shahedi Since 1995
Dr. Hadi ghandehari Since 1996
Molana Hujatul Islam S. A. Abedi Since 1997
Molana Hujatul Islam Vatandoost
Dr. H. Ghorban Since 2001
Master H.R. Johari Majd
Dr. Hadi Mollazadeh Since 2005
Dr. A.R. Behshadfar
Dr. M.T. Nabavi Since 2011
Dr. H. R. Mohebbi